Heading away? Here are some of our favourite travel toys for 3 and under 🛫
Buckle up and get ready to take-off on your next adventure!
When choosing the best toys to take traveling we like to make sure they are lightweight and easy to carry/pack, are as mess-free as can be, don't have too many loose pieces and aren't very noisy!
Here are some Hurley Burley travel faves - Happy and safe travels!
Whirly Squigz
Twirl and whirl while you travel! Fat Brain's
Whirly Squigz have a strong suction that's ideal for sticking onto plane tray tables, windows and the bath tub. They are bright, nice to touch and it's mesmerizing watching them spin.
Soft Books
Our range of soft books from Manhattan Toys and Curious Columbus are full of different activities! Even better the books can be velcro-ed together or zipped up to keep any loose parts safe. Curious Columbus's Away We Go and My Big Day have 10 interactive pages, their books are full of zips, buckles, clocks, buttons, shoelaces and much more. Manhattan's Peek a Boo Bunny and Little Rocket Finds Home have textured and crinkly fabric pages with colourful ribbons and little squeakers.

Mini Spinny
Flip the MiniSpinny and watch as the three propellers captivatingly spin down the corkscrew pole. The MiniSpinny's propellers are bright and have different textures for little hands to explore. It's another that's great for the bath, easy to clean and all in one piece!

Finger Puppets
The beautiful sets of themed Finger Puppets from Tara's Treasures are great for storytelling and imaginative play! They are easy to pack, fun to bring to life and captivating to watch.

Doodle It & Go Erasable Books
Jaq Jaq Bird's range of Erasable Books are a brilliant mess-free drawing/colouring in option for travel! The books have 8 blank pages and come with a set of 4 Butterstix; dustless chalk. The pages can be cleaned with damp cloth, ready to use again and again!

Magnetic Sardine Fishing
Magnetic Fishing Game from Janod is a Hurley Burley fave! It comes with 10 colourful wooden sardines that can all be caught with the magnetic fishing rod. It comes with 2 rods so you make a game out of who can catch the most. It's the perfect size for taking away and packs nicely into the handy little tin! 🎣